January 2022

Unlocking Nature’s Aromatic Wonders: Terpenes in Plants


Terpenes in plants are nature’s aromatic wonders, responsible for the captivating scents and flavors we encounter in the world around us. These organic compounds not only provide sensory delights but also play a crucial role in the survival and evolution of various plant species. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of terpenes, exploring their functions, diversity, and potential benefits.

What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes are a diverse group of organic compounds found abundantly in plants. They can improve the adaptability of plants to the environment (Ying Huang, Fang-Jie Xie, Xue Cao & Meng-Yao Li 2021). They are responsible for the unique scents emitted by flowers, fruits, and herbs. These compounds are derived from the same building blocks as the essential oils, giving rise to their aromatic properties. Terpenes are synthesized in the glandular trichomes, small hair-like structures found on the surface of leaves, stems, and flowers of plants. With over 20,000 known terpenes, they exhibit an incredible variety, contributing to the distinct fragrances of different plant species.

Functions of Terpenes in Plants

Terpenes play a crucial role in plants’ survival and reproductive strategies. Firstly, they act as defense mechanisms, deterring herbivores and pests with their strong scents. Some terpenes even possess antimicrobial and antifungal properties, protecting plants from pathogens. Additionally, terpenes can attract pollinators and seed-dispersing animals, ensuring the plant’s reproductive success.

Moreover, terpenes have a significant impact on a plant’s interactions with its environment. Some terpenes act as pheromones, communicating with other plants or attracting beneficial insects. Certain terpenes also contribute to the regulation of a plant’s growth and development, influencing factors like seed germination, root development, and the ripening of fruits.

Health Benefits and Applications of Terpenes

Beyond their roles in plants, terpenes have garnered considerable attention for their potential health benefits. Many terpenes possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to their therapeutic effects. For instance, limonene, commonly found in citrus fruits, has been studied for its anticancer properties. Another well-known terpene, linalool, found in lavender and other flowers, is known for its calming and stress-reducing effects.

The wide range of terpenes found in plants has led to their incorporation in various industries. Terpenes are extensively used in the production of perfumes, essential oils, and flavorings. They are also gaining popularity in the field of alternative medicine, with terpene-rich essential oils being used in aromatherapy and natural remedies. Terpenes and terpenoids possess a strong potential as alternative treatments for inflammatory diseases (Prado-Audelo, Cortés,aballero-Florán, González-Torres,Escutia-Guadarrama, Bernal-Chávez, Giraldo-Gomez, Magaña and Leyva-Gómez 2021).


Terpenes in plants are remarkable compounds that contribute to the rich tapestry of scents and flavors in the natural world. From their vital roles in plant defense and reproduction to their potential health benefits and applications in various industries, terpenes truly embody the essence of nature’s fragrant wonders.

When deciding which cannabis strain to purchase from a dispensary or consume based on their cannabinoid and terpene profile, it is important that you steer clear of synthetically derived terpenes as they run higher risks of adverse effects (Leigh 2022). 

References & Citations

Ying Huang, Fang-Jie Xie, Xue Cao & Meng-Yao Li (2021)

Research progress in biosynthesis and regulation of plant terpenoids, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 35:1, 1799-1808,

DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2021.2020162, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13102818.2021.2020162

María Luisa Del Prado-Audelo, Hernán Cortés, Isaac H. Caballero-Florán, Maykel González-Torres, Lidia Escutia-Guadarrama, Sergio A. Bernal-Chávez, David M. Giraldo-Gomez, Jonathan J. Magaña and Gerardo Leyva-Gómez

Front. Pharmacol., 13 August 2021

Sec. Neuropharmacology Volume 12 – 2021


Chane Leigh

March 31, 2022

Understanding Cannabis Terpenes and Their Effects